poopin ain’t easy

hee hee

day 6 of the fast. i’m mildly delirious and very happy. my dad is approaching in a cab for his first real solo visit (sans mama) to ny. he is coming here to my baby sister’s apartment to see her first mary tyler moore ny experience, then we’re going to go out somewhere where i can watch them eat and think deep and spiritual thoughts.

in other news – had a climate crisis coalition meeting today and we’re planning solidarity stuff in ny for the big montreal meeting, we’re asking that the u.s.a. join the world on the kyoto treaty. one step will be asking folks to make love in the dark – oh the energy you’ll save! and meditate by candlelight! 🙂 good for you, good for big mama.

what else – i heart celeste, my coworker, and here’s a picture of how joyful we are in our work together:


do i look remarkably pale? yes. i am coming to terms with that. i am just not as dark as i feel. oh well.

hey! my daddy’s here! i’m heading to cali on thursday but will post tomorrow on the last day of the fast – maybe in tongues!!
