antoine dodson

i have fallen in love with someone and i need to tell y’all about him. this is not normally the kind of thing i would share here, it’s (even) more personal, but i…i have to tell you.

his name is antoine dodson, and i feel like he is this moment in a nutshell. fabulous and angry, and smiling and lovely and authentic. i can’t remember the last time i saw such a real moment on television.

and the remix of his news story, the flip of it into an autotune, now has the most people in the country possibly ever bopping their heads to an anti-rape jingle. that’s what it is – he is the essence of how you feel when someone you love is sexually attacked. you want feel fearless on their behalf, you want their attacker to know they will never get another chance.

it’s not exactly transformative in the usual way i think of it, but there is power in seeing such a fearless black gay man on the news, defended as an important spokesperson for his family and community.

the follow up video shows him looking like a modern-day lafayette, sweet sweet sweet.

the song is catchier than anything on the radio right now – i know i can barely speak if i am not saying/singing lyrics to this.

p.s. AND there’s an extended version!