napowrimo poem 15: my sleepless terza rima

prompt: write a poem in terza rima, the form invented by dante and used in the divine comedy. it consists of three line stanzas with a chained rhyme scheme – ABA, BCB, CDC, DED, EFE and so on.

a sleeplessness
fills up our last night
with it’s bittersoft caress

sharp mind blank white
dreamwatching the stars
as they turn up ancient light

look, you see mars
up by the blood moon
through our rusting wrought iron bars

we pile sand dunes
shape the endless clouds
day will find our bed too soon

morning comes loud
we should rush to go
but seek the last warmth allowed

we cannot know
what spirit seeks us
if we accept tomorrow

but let’s not fuss
let’s hold with both hands
tender miraculous us

this strange love lands
in the quiet black
our primal body demands

we don’t look back