why i cut my hair according to the answers i gave today:
-cause its more fun to touch this way
-cause i’ve been dreaming of a faux hawk
-cause ilana and shannon in ohio both had these fabulous short cuts i wanted to run my hands thru
-cause thats what any good woman delirious with heartbreak and gettin all fabulous must do
-cause its summer
-cause my landlady said i can stay till the end of august which means i have at least one more official summer in ft. green and i thus need to be much more stylish and ft. greenish than i have been heretofore.
-cause i’m tired of lookin all soft, i want to look all fierce
-cause it gives me this amazing buzz to do something insane and dramatic and i can’t afford the hot new tattoos or piercings i want
-cause it cuts down costs on all hair products and time it takes to do hair
in other news – had a good weekend in ohio with the allied media folks. one major conclusion:we might be working towards 2010, we need to not think of ourselves as the endkeepers, we need to hone, hone, deepen, hone. people are doing amazing work, check out: www.breakthrough.tv, http://www.chicagohousingauthority.net/, this program Detroit Summer and Ilana/Invincible’s brilliant lyrics, Yo! the Movement out of the Twin Cities, Gavin’s hip-hop program Elements in Cincinnati. Good people doing big things.
then i came home where I’d left rotting lemons in the room with the AC off – EW! Too stinky to sleep so I watched SAVED, which y’all must rent immediately. yeah jesus!
and we just hired some brilliant new folks at the league who are being oriented and thats hopeful cause they are all far more better than me at all of this stuff and will bring the level of our organizing and educating up to the next level.
heart? un peu numb, but that’s aight. its there, it likes cheap ohio whiskey, but its giving up carbs for the summer.
tomorrow i am going to cortez island in canada – www.hollyhock.ca to learn to be a leader – www.hollyhockleadership.org 🙂 watch out for me when i come home! canada is one of my favorite mostly white countries in the world.
refer to pics below for the hair