my grandfather loves, more than anything in the world: jesus, horses and dogs. he has always had all three right near him. he used to have a lot of everything, but the government took a lot of it, but he’s managed to keep those three things. recently jesus woke him up and told him to take aspirin in the morning for the first time ever, and as he was having a heart attack, the aspirin saved his life. my mother is visiting him to join her 5 brothers and sisters in taking care of the horses and dogs and grandparents. one of the horses just had a baby and my mom sent me pictures:
AND!!! last night i was kickin it with some folks over homemade margaritas by the Great George, cousin of Sofia. For some reason unknown to me i insisted we go out to Moe’s which has devolved into a scene. I was bored out of my mind – everyone just goes and looks at each other and no one dances. BUT THEN JEFFREY WRIGHT WALKED PAST – like a million men on screen and i’ve loved all of them and there was swooning, screaming, neck turning, intakes of breath…and he bopped his head to the music and tried to chill as everyone else in the spot rolled up to him. Since I usually hate famous people once I interact with them, I did not approach. He of angels, artists and activists should stay on the pedestal – he did look slightly bored the whole time and that was reassuring. Lovely. lovely jeffrey, i sing thy praises 🙂
finally my baby bryant terry is going west for the summer and i wanted to encourage y’all to go check his websites out – and he and anna lappe are wrapping up work on the grub book project which is a snapshot of the movement and best food for it. bye bryant, we gonna miss you!!