today i am in ohio. i started in the nati with dani mcclain, my cosmic soul sister. her good friend kathy y. wilson is my interior design soulmate. she writes an article for city beat out here, and has a book out y’all all need to get called ‘your negro tour guide’ which is F-ING on point. everything in her house is deep and brilliant and unique and complete. if for no other reason than how she hooks up her house, we should get married tomorrow! plus there are other reasons, i heart ky wilson! she’s out of my league, but…oh behave.
that said, dani’s mother – the lovely andrea – welcomed me to the nati with dinner at tinks and then the opera. its toni morrison society weekend, including the launch of the opera version of the margaret garner story. margaret’s story was fictionalized in beloved – she killed her babies rather than see them grow up as slaves. dani and i walked passed toni morrison on the way into the theater, and she smiled at us the way someone whose mind is incomprehensible and irresisitable smiles at young kindreds.GEEK OUT! toni is super adorable for a genius, all short and smiles.
tomorrow i am doing a strategy session with columbus league group. i love being in the field, and all travel – let’s go on a trip babies, just ask me anywhere…
one line from the opera – i would have made it a miracle, the pace of an opera is a little slower…but here’s one line, stanza, i loved that stayed in my brain:
when sorrow is deep
the secret soul keeps
its weapon of choice
the love of all loves
try singing it to really feel its impact…
check this dude: – he left his card for me at the baths the last time i went. i thought it was a mistake but they insisted no, he wanted you to have it. he’s a voyeur. i think he wants to photograph me. i feel i should tell him i am not photogenic! but part of me is like how about this angle?
what does one do if they like but are allergic to cats???
mom! i know you are reading my blog. i can’t decide if that makes you the coolest mom ever or what! i definitely feel like you cannot use anything found in this blog against me, ok? 🙂 i drink, i puff – but never nicotine! and i take lovely lovers. i have integrity about all of it, trust me, i still think you raised me right…so…enjoy!
what else, what else…oh. new boy toy! yay! happy summer, self! you are doing great and it looks good on you 🙂