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In this email:
August 2 All Power to the People! The
Black Panther Party and Beyond
August 3 Quiet Storm
August 6 A Panther in Africa
(Discussion with Kathleen Cleaver)
August 11 Machetero
August 14 The Black and the Green (Discussion
with Filmmaker St. Clair Bourne)
August 16 The Spook Who Sat By The Door
August 17 Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice
August 18 Fidel
August 21 Ashes and Embers (Discussion with
Filmmaker Haile Germia)
August 23 Shorts: Red Eye, Isolated Incidents & The
Adventures of Super Nigger: Episode I, The Final Chapter
August 24 As An Act of Protest
August 30 Two Documentaries on Cuba: Eyes of the Rainbow &
Mission Against Terror
August 31 Sorry Ain’t Enough
Tuesday, August 2
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
All Power to the People!
The Black Panther Party and Beyond
Discussion to Follow Screening
A Powerful, moving and comprehensive documentary on the
resistance of Black Panther Party members against the relentless
attack upon it thru COINTEPRO FBI-led terror tactics. Opening with a
montage of four hundred years of race injustice in America, this
powerful documentary provides the historical context for the
establishment of the 60s civil rights movement. Rare clips of Martin
Luther King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and other activists transport one
back to those turbulent times.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Wednesday, August 3
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Quiet Storm
Discussion to Follow Screening
A full-length action thriller, Quiet Storm is a controversial
drama centered around four men of African descent determined to set
imperialism’s plunder of Africa straight through acts of
"terror"…or Guerrilla tactics. You decide…. The film was
nominated for a Screen Nation Film Award in the category of
Independent Production/Film in England in September of 2004.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Saturday, August 6
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
A Panther in Africa
Discussion with Kathleen Cleaver
On October 30, 1969, Pete O’Neal, a young Black Panther in
Kansas City, Missouri, was arrested for transporting a gun across
state lines. One year later, O’Neal fled the charge, and for over 30
years, he has lived in Tanzania, one of the last American exiles from
an era when activists considered themselves at war with the U.S.
government. Today, this community organizer confronts very different
challenges and finds himself living between two worlds – America and
Africa, his radical past and his uncertain future.
Thursday, August 11
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Discussion with Filmmaker Vagabond
A brand new revolutionary drama from a young Nuyorican. How do 21st
Century Urban Guerrillas come into being?
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Sunday, August 14
4:00 pm
Black August Festival
The Black and the Green
Discussion with Filmmaker St. Clair Bourne
The Black and the Green is a film about human rights, social
change, the role of religion, specifically in the Irish conflict —
from the unique perspective of African-American observers. Set in
1986, the film describes a journey of discovery by five
African-Americans as they travel to Northern Ireland. Arriving at
Dublin and traveling to Belfast, the group attempts to find the truth
behind the headlines and seek out common elements in that situation
and the Black movement in the U.S..
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Tuesday, August 16
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
The Spook Who Sat By The Door
Discussion to Follow Screening
Adapted from Sam Greenlee’s novel, The Spook Who Sat by the Door is
a cult classic that was named one of the most influential black films
of the 70s. Lead actor Larry Cook plays Dan Freeman, the first
CIA-recruit since the start of the agency. After an intense training
and a mind-strong career of five years, Freeman returns to the ghetto
where he grew up to plot a new American Revolution.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Wednesday, August 17
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice
Discussion to Follow Screening
This multi-award-winning film documents the dramatic life and
turbulent times of the pioneering African American journalist,
activist, suffragist and anti-lynching crusader of the
post-Reconstruction period. Ida B. Wells (1863-1931) was considered
the equal of such well-known contemporary African American leaders as
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. Nobel Prize-winning author,
Toni Morrison reads selections from Wells’ memoirs and other
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Thursday, August 18
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Discussion to Follow Screening
Fidel Castro up close, personal and brilliant as ever–a unique
opportunity to view the man through exclusive interviews with Castro
himself. Alice Walker, Harry Belafonte, and Sydney Pollack discuss the
personality of the man. Former and current US government figures
including Arthur Schlesinger, Ramsey Clark, Wayne Smith, Congressman
Charles Rangel and a former CIA agent offer political and historical
perspectives on Castro and the long-standing US embargo against Cuba.
Family members and close friends, including Nobel Prize-winning author
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, offer a window into the personal life of
Fidel. We see him swimming with bodyguards, visiting his childhood
home and school, joking with Nelson Mandela, Ted Turner and Muhammad
Ali, meeting Elian Gonzalez, and celebrating his birthday with members
of the Buena Vista Social Club.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Sunday, August 21
4:00 pm
Black August Festival
Ashes and Embers
Discussion with Filmmaker Haile Germia
This award-winning film is the story of a Vietnam veteran who, nearly
a decade later, begins to come to terms with his role in the war and
his role as a black person in America. His transformation from an
embittered ex-soldier to a strong and confident man is provoked and
encouraged by the love and chastisement of his grandmother and
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Selected Shorts:
Red Eye, Isolated Incidents & The Adventures of Super Nigger:
Episode I, The Final Chapter
Discussion to Follow Screening
This evening we will present a selection of strong and creative
short films–some drama, some comedy, some documentary–by young black
filmmakers. Films include:
Red Eye directed by Kevin Gordon. What goes through a person’s mind in
the blink of an eye? Could you let an assumption made in a split
second influence your judgment? Red Eye deals with several different
issues in our culture, including prejudice, xenophobia, in a silent
manner, yet is powerful enough to be felt with or without volume.
Isolated Incidents, directed by retired comedian Kahil Shkymba,
expresses the sentiment of the countless people across the country who
are affected by police abuse of power.
The Adventures of Super Nigger is directed by Alrick Brown. The title
of this film often catches people off guard, but it should be
understood that "Super N" is an allegory about the shooting
death of Amadou Diallo and the title fits into the larger context of
the film and the life of the filmmaker.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Wednesday, August 24
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
As An Act of Protest
Discussion to Follow Screening
This intense and visceral feature film is a clear ‘line in the
sand’ which demands the eradication of racism. The story follows Cairo
Medina, a young black actor and his journey to escape the
psychological torture of colonization by searching for ways to counter
the effects of racism and police brutality before they destroy
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Tuesday, August 30
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Cuba Alert: Two Documentaries:
Eyes of the Rainbow & Mission Against Terror
Discussion to Follow Screening
Eyes of the Rainbow (Dir: Gloria Rolando/47 min/color/1997)
documents the case of Assata Shakur, the Black Panther and Black
Liberation Army leader who escaped from prison and was given political
asylum in Cuba, where she has lived for more than 15 years. In it we
visit with Assata in Havana and she tells us about her history and her
life in Cuba. On May 2nd, 2005 the FBI and the New Jersey State
Troopers publicly announced a $1 million bounty for the capture of
Assata Shakur. For information on the Hands Off Assata Campaign, go to
http://www.afrocubaweb.com/hoa. or contact:
Mission Against Terror (Dirs: Bernie Dwyer and Roberto Ruiz Rebo/48
min./2004) tells the story of the five Cubans who are currently
imprisoned in U.S. jails because they were working to expose
ultra-right terrorist groups in Miami and stop them from carrying out
violent actions against the people of Cuba.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15
Wednesday, August 31
7:30 pm
Black August Festival
Sorry Ain’t Enough
Discussion to Follow Screening
In this independent film by Mental Food Productions, three
lawyers are thrust into the forefront of a legal precedent-setting
case– the case in favor of slavery reparations. Against all odds, and
what many of their colleagues see as sound judgment, this legal team
takes apart the legacy of enslavement and its social ramifications.
With several twists and turns, even a little dissension within their
ranks, they come up with a case that is sure to inspire conversation
and invoke thought.
Suggested donation: $6/$10/$15