woah life!!!
today i got a gorgeous collaged tobacco box from brilliant author and my friend kathy wilson in cincinnati and she included in it this stunning ring from cuba which i had admired when last at her home. kathy and i have a legendary literary friendship, an email mutual autobiographing, that includes little gifts – i made her an oil, she made me this piece of functional art with the ring, now i have to step it up…its very cool, and i encourage everyone to find someone brilliant and superior to correspond with.
and today i got a call On My Cell Phone from cynthia mckinney, the progressive congresswoman from georgia, about helping her draft a letter to the governator in support of clemency for tookie williams! thats a scary call, with only one answer – yes, i will help. his story is so incredible – check savetookie.org – he was the founder of the crips, is set to be executed on dec 13, and was a 2002 nominee for the nobel peace prize for his anti-gang work. california hasn’t granted clemency since 1967, its time to save a life and set a precedent for redemption. thanks davey d for puttin me in the work.
and today i got to talk to four people who are in the hardest bravest place in life – when you put your foot down, sometimes for the hundredth time, and make the commitment to finding your slice of sanity and putting it on a pedestal. y’all rock, i’m saving all my love for y’all. (i feel like its wrong to paraphrase whitney houston without sweating like a saint on satan’s lap and saying i’d like to thank god, my fans, and I LOVE YOU BOBBY AND FRUMPY L’IL BOBBIE XTINA!!!)
today i got to relive some experiments i’ve engaged in during my short life and decided that i am excited by the yeses, and proud of the nos.
and today, evans richardson the ViV said we can hang out this weekend, which means i. am. be. side. my. self!
today my sister april passed her ‘oral defense’ which is a term that means something academic so get your brains our of the GUTTER – and since she passed her comps, she basically has her masters in journalism now and is just doing the work part. how amazing is that?
oh um – this is her man!
and today i got to have a long talk with my sister autumn who is my other DUMB smart sister and we talked about chinese industrialization, god, groupthink, green capitalism, porn, ecological footprints, the grist articles i wrote which she’s never read or even heard about! and her fish…and we talked about sarah lawrence’s so far successful push for ethnic studies. go sam, that’s her boyfriend, go sam!
and today autumn loaned me a collection of bjork videos. bjork is my inner artist. the video for hunter? stop! the! madness!
and today i got the dvd of the youth debate pilot tv show we recorded this summer which aired on free speech tv in august. they are looking for funding for the project – holla if you know angel donors into supporting youth debate.
today i WENT TO MY OFFICE. that’s its own whole thing! i listened to talking heads the whole time, even though the real ear stunner this week is luther vandross making it onto my ipod shuffle. 🙂
AND, TODAY, i decided i want to buy this artwork:
its 18 x 24…if the artist, my dear friend joshuagabriel, is willing to take tiny installments over a long period of time, this dream could come true. its just so beautiful!
and today i ate steak with bearnaise sauce and drank pinot noir. it was sooo gooood. and a crepe de la bananes y coco or something, yummy and perfect.
and all i can say is, woah life! WOAH!