go there to hear this interview roundtable i did on international women’s day with cynthia mckinney! it starts like 1 hr in but you can fast forward to it 🙂
so hmmm…i have been through a fairly transformational couple of weeks away from y’all. generally makes me want to blog a bit less! my brain feels good, heart feels good, body feels a bit sick from just the endless travel. about to go to bed so i can go to yoga in the morning. yes. YOGA. i fell in love with yoga last week and joined the gym today cause they have both yoga and kickboxing. the guy who gave me the tour was hilarious – he was like, ‘if we were family and i loved you i would say just work on the legs, do leg weights, that’s what makes all the difference, exhaust your legs! you’ll be amazed. you got a pretty face, this’ll be great for you, and you’re wise, i can sense that. no processed foods ok? learn to love fruit ok? but you’re a good kid. this is gonna be good for ya.’
indeed. thank you, bill from long island.
and i…quit smoking! again.
thats all i can think of to share 🙂 oh other than saying flava flav chose the right girl! gooooooo HOOPZ! ahem.