– do you know where I can find a kitchen for a television shoot of me cooking?
– can you help me find a home for my cat for two months?
– can you help me find a place to stay in atlanta for me and two friends starting tomorrow?
– I need the best possible position to spring on this dude tonight to make him stay with me!
– um, the funder just withdrew 100k from our program, can you make him change his mind?
– who is the best person you know to train on: (list of 6 completely different topics)?
– why are you coming to canada?
– can you blast this email to your whole list (12 different times, 12 different people)?
– when are you leaving for california? (Too many to count…does that make the question priceless?)
– do you hate everything your family stands for?
– what are the biggest challenges to your work?
– has anyone ever told you you think like this dude saul alinsky?
– how do I deal with always being made a leader, even if i don’t want to?
– can you cut my hair and not give me a mullet?
– can I have your coffee table? (4 times, its taken)
– can you send me the curriculum for: (7 different ones)
– can you come out to (6 conferences, 19 lunch or dinners)
– do you ever say no?
– can I call you my luscious pussycat?
– do you think he was trying to get revenge?
– why do I keep getting mass emails from you when you asked me to stay out of your life?
– if you need a vacation so bad, why not just take one?
– is ruckus still a white organization with you there?
– can you help me convince black folks its ok to get arrested for a cause?
– that flash is good, but why the foul language? And is it homophobic?
– are you avoiding me? (6 friends…yes, no, maybe, I dunno)
– how do you keep track of what you do?
– do you know you’re beautiful and there is nothing wrong with you?
– when you gonna gimme some?
– since when are you celibate…do you even know what that means?
– can you bring me the stargate dvds?
– did you know —- did {insert totally racist classist thing} last week?
– do you believe voting can change communties?
– do you think the black bougie class is purposely disempowering the hip-hop generation?
– can you speak on enviro-racism, and is mother earth black?
– can you get a piece on fat activism in this week?
– can you blog about (4 things) today?
– you are funny, so why isn’t your blog funny?
– what’s that green thing in the middle of your blog?
– how many times do you come a week? A day? Why you actin all like a prude?
– did you drink to the point of getting hung over?
– are you really giving all your stuff away?
– do you think this group/person has what it takes to be great (3 different groups/people)?
– have you ever blogged about all the questions people ask you?