hey kiddies guess what time it is?
that’s right – procrasti-Nation Time, when your friendly neighborhood revolutionabe takes a break from packing her things to digitally pontificate on the crisis of moving across country and the simultaneous crisis of movement in the country. the parallels abound.
no exit strategy is devastating when entering into any fray, be it an apartment or a sovereign nation. my personal trainer called, and i can’t even pick up the phone because if he asks me a question and i have to answer it, pure flames might shoot through the phone, as that is how my stress is manifesting itself, fire in the belly, random continuous hives on the skin. and a house guest saw a tiny little mouse run by the other day. i didn’t have the energy to even negotiate with it.
anyway, if you do not plan how you will get out of an apartment, you might find yourself with 24 hours left to find a moving company and every moving truck in the city apparently rented out or over $2000. you might find yourself snapping at your friends and coming up with incredible barriers in order to not deal with separation pain. you might find yourself eating the random assortment of food you have left in the house and wondering if its a little past good. you might find yourself making emotional purchases at target, including every magazine about angelina and brad’s new baby. you might find yourself screaming ‘i can’t do this’ at the ceiling bulb. you might find that you packed everything backwards and wrong.
just possibly.
i saw x-men 3 last night, which – as an uninformed fan from a distance i thoroughly enjoyed even though i know the phoenix saga wasn’t accurately portrayed – and i realized that if i were the right kind of mutant i could just lift all this crap with me and zap over to california, and perhaps thats what i thought would happen. is it possible that i can plan anything in the world except my move? methinks the answer is yes.
too make myself feel better i went and bought myself a going away/congratulations on your new job present: a gorgeous sleek black ipod with a speaker dock and video capabilities. now when it overwhelms me that i have no idea how to get this stuff away from this house, i just put on kim english’s unspeakable joy and dance until it shifts into better than ezra’s juicy. my personal trainer said to let something other than chocolate be my gift to myself. please don’t let shopping be my replacement coping mechanism! it is like a braintide moving against my goal of a simple life.
ah adrienne, elle es triste y chez elle n’est jolie pas!
ok. now back to finding some magical solution to moving!