yes y’all, i watched rupaul’s drag race on jetblue and since then i have been swizzling my hips and basically looking too fabulous to even stop and take a picture. accessories, what!
in other news, just had a series of great conversations with a few dear friends in a multitude of mediums. is there a planetary cause, the anti-mercury, during which communication is suddenly deep and clear and present? maybe i am simply too jet-lagged for small talk.
i have no interest in backdrops for the whole thing, but here were some conclusions:
– commitment includes prioritizing the present over the past. folks from the past who haven’t fully moved on have to be placed in a real clear place in your mind and your heart where they can’t dabble in any kind of fuckery. this may include no contact. nothing is permanent, but there is a point in love when you’re going all in, and you know it when you’re there.
– everything is completely awesome, perspective is real and within your control.
– oprah has shown us the better life model, that you can look and feel better in your 30s than in your 20s, and so on. to that end, i am doing all of the things that make me feel beautiful, which in turn makes me dress better, swim harder, smell better, snap my hips like two fingers on a bass line, which in turn makes me stand up straighter. and after all that i forget my body completely, i know its marvelous, so i don’t have to think about it all the time. i can just be me.
– you have no idea what the future holds, but the experience is more fulfilling when you throw yourself towards it, starting with the next moment. the people i admire the most (starting with myself when i have acted right) are the ones who heave themselves into their futures with a small note-to-self around total transformation or self-improvement.
– the cliche i am currently feeling is life is what happens when you are making other plans. while i wait for my big break as a singer songwriter, i’m getting to travel the world exchanging tools for how to improve the relationship between humans and our planet. my life is amazing.
– acknowledging what is, including what was, can help us move to what will be. telling the secrets is like exhaling, turning on the lights inside and sweeping out the darkness. i love the look of someone who has stepped into honesty. beautiful.
ok laundry is mostly done, gotta do dishes and doze before cab gets here!
oh oh oh…
on the Total Denial tip! so i always say i am a move person. right now we are moving out of the ruckus office, and today i moved out of my cubicle, and on the drive home i felt so sad and nostalgic – that is the only place i have worked for ruckus!! – and i realized that i have been doing everything in my power to avoid being part of the move, even though i am a military brat moving queen. i’ve been so matter of fact about it, but on my drive home today i let it hit me for real that we’re leaving. then i chided myself for not canceling everything for the move. i know the next phase will be so much better, so a smarter use of resources. still, that office has been a special place for me. and i won’t ever be there again.
pouring one out.