maybe it was:
– the moments when i acknowledged that i can never be perfect,
– that i can especially never become the people in my life i think of as perfect, or
– that each time i have gotten to know a perfect person they have turned out to be marvelously imperfect.
– that i love and am loved by a perfectly imperfect person..actually many of them…
– the ridiculous joy i get during those moments when everything in my tiny little studio apartment is in it’s place,
– when i give away half of the clothes in my closet
– truly free time
– dipping into a totally creative, chaotic free space and seeing the patterns within it
– getting three new william gibson books
– spending more time bouncing my brain off others – in person, on the phone, coming out of my solitude (of the past few months) and into a more interactive phase…
– changing my perspective
right now? my life is fantastic 🙂