
This is the most beautiful nest
I have ever crafted
The wood is red like the trees
Were a bleeding
And I fit in the curve
As I would a cocoon
And I feel the bough shiver
I need to fly soon

I feel just as trapped
In the binding
The branches
As I ever could feel
In fences or cages
I’m not meant to be
This kind of alone
When I feel her shiver, I moan

I feel the wind slipping
Through cracks
And up over
Inside my house she is
Billowing up
I know she’s saying
Its yours, you deserve it
Of some other life
Where I have enough

And wind
She is taking me
Pieces and pieces
Wilding me up into currents
And dreams
Love is expansive
And I have a home now
Which I fill with longing
Basement to beams

This wind she is
Frightening me
Crash landing like thunder
Into the fragile
Sweet world I have wrought

This wind
Knows the core of me
Lava and sunray
But she can not fathom
Why I am distraught

I cannot pull this thing
Up on my chest
Pulsing and pounding
Sea salting with love
I cannot tell this thing
Leave me alone
My life is almost full
Almost good enough

But I can breathe into it
Lean my weight into it
I’m getting the rhythm
Of storms and needs
And when I am ready
Ill fly out to forage
Returning well-sated
In mardi gras beads