i am supposed to be editing my book with this precious hour, but i had to take a moment to note that i am also out here celebrating the birth of my Chosen Queen.
Beyonce has measurably improved my life (and probably yours if you are reading this, because if you like this blog then you must know She is Core Soundtrack Bae) in more ways than i should even try to name, and in ways that i might never be able to name.
the relationship between a Chosen Queen and Her constituents is so strange in it’s intimacy. i feel She is mine, and knows my life; she taps me into my own beauty and ferocity, and the truth that no one else on this planet knows how to tell (and sing and make videos and movies of) my story but me. it’s not just ok to write our own narratives on our time – it is a survival strategy. She is a survivor of things i have survived, She invites the survivor in me to keep growing, to become more than i was before getting broken.
i also feel She is beyond me in a way that comforts me (overachievers anonymous confessions: we need topping, we love earned and authentic domination and/or being well met). She inspires reach. i don’t want to meet Her, i like our current arrangement – She continually surprises me, floors me with Her gifts. and i am rewarded for my loyalty. i don’t want to be Her, i just want to celebrate Her. i see how She celebrates Herself, and all women, and black women, and black people, and babies, and Her love, and Her family. i love how She keeps moving forward, whatever life sends Her.
i love Her not because She is perfect, but because She doesn’t stop learning and responding and creating, pursuing a mastery of Herself. (and yes, i know, i did scream “YOU ARE FUCKING PERFECT BEYONCÉ GISELLE KNOWLES-CARTER!!!” at Her during the formation tour. multiverse theory in the microspective.)
i am just grateful to be able to recognize Her brilliance and celebrate Her with no inhibitions.
love is always a gift. thank you Bey for being so generous with what and how you love.
#sheisborn #sheismysundaycandy #virgo #virgoseason #4 #holduptheyallloveyoulikeiloveyouanditfeelsgreat #lemons #lemonade #bday #iamsashafierce #iaintsorry #? #? #godisgodandsheistoo #fuckmonarchiesbutstill #ijustloveher