the year is almost over and it’s a massive moment for release – solstice and full moon! the darkest night and the cold full moon, somehow it works together in a beautiful impossible contradiction. have you seen the moon tonight! i can’t take my eyes off of her, she is so full and fat that i feel beautiful.
tonight, it is a time for letting go. here is a recipe for release:
i release my fear of the dark. i promise to trust that the shadows will shift as i grow and change.
i release any grasp oppressors still have on my attention. i promise to give my dreams and waking life to that which inspires me, and those who love me.
i release any traces of scarcity in my heart. i offer love, joy and connection from the incredible regenerating well that is sourced from the very miracle of my own life.
also…thank you moon, for bathing us in light, for showing us the rhythms between light and dark. thank you for moving me so viscerally that i cannot sleep, for pulling the tide out of me, and for teaching me the sacred value of reflection.