dear aliens-unseen-and/or-beyondhumans-and-spirits/gods/deities-and-other-benevolent-entities-aware-of-this-planet, it’s probably selfish to ask for your help. you may only know my planet from its space garbage or psychic toxicity. nonetheless, today would be a good day […]
Year: 2018
star wars and summer
yesterday i went to the star wars costume exhibit at the detroit institute of the arts and i highly recommend it. i would tell you all about it but it’s […]
civility and small resistance
I said this on Twitter: “things to never be civil about: concentration camps, genocide, white supremacy, misogyny, harm to children, mass trauma, state violence, rising fascism.” things that people wanted […]
abolition spell (summer solstice)
on this day of the longest light, i turned to the i ching for some summer solstice wisdom, something to guide me, guide us, through this challenging season. i cast […]
amc2018 report back (satisfaction, titillation, saturation)
the 20th anniversary of the allied media conference was a magical abundant beautiful gathering. i proposed three sessions that were accepted, was invited to be part of a fourth session, […]
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allied media conference 2018 closing ceremony spell
we made it y’all! 20 years of transformation and love and learning by living into it all together, experimenting for liberation. we are the seeds of future freedoms, future value […]
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a weirder, more interesting life
in the face of pressure to conform, i tend to get weirder. it feels, sometimes, like my/our evolutionary imperative. if something is considered normal, it has already been achieved. in […]
flower moon spell
the petals: how many witches must cast a spell before it can protect our families, our bodies, our land? the sacred ritual of birth? the innocence in each of us? […]
questions while watching Wild, Wild Country
does this mean i need to reassess my entire tarot practice, since i began with Osho?* what do these people believe in? why is sexual satisfaction so scary to people […]
storms come
it’s been raining for days. today the sun came out briefly and i noticed that all the colors seemed to be vibrant impressions of themselves. the rain has not come […]