1 out: the limitations of the past justifying the destruction of the future in: the wisdom of the past applied towards the possibility of the future 2 out: colonization, capitalism, […]
Year: 2023
take my heart
how long was it between when you saw the land and when you decided you owned it i always wanted to ask the colonizers of this place but they are […]
thoughts from my instagram captions
nov 29, 2023 a love note for everyone who took action for palestine today, and every day, small and large. everyone who is stepping into the light of solidarity […]
the effort, the weight
the efforts you make to silence tomorrow are so loud – only prayers can reach through time may we share the fire of bisan, the honey of plestia, the embrace […]
your family
act like it is your family for it is your whole life will depend on this did you move with the urgency of love? right now your family starve […]
even now, between us
the words are full of love and vibrant root systems and small bags of zaatar and the laughter of children and the call for peace the words are welcome, the […]
the border is the wound
i will not let my heart shrink to the size of my oppressor’s i will stay soft i will pray with dignity for the absolute freedom of all humans […]
free palestine
the grief builds up when it spills over it touches everyone can you imagine …upon hearing this news that it is not one pain or the other one grief […]
queer delight season: concert gush
i don’t have enough time to dive deeply into the things i want to write about, as i’m writing other things, but i want to just publicly say thank you […]
the first birthday after a loved one dies is a particular kind of strange. i lost so many people this year, none of them expected, each one devastating in a […]