midnight oil best served warm at 11:35.
before i take a shower and wash this day down let me tell you things about it. one – i love organizational development. seeing people who love the people get more solid in their work makes me smile. i’ve spent the last two days returning from the ideological magic space of the world being worked towards at bioneers, and playing with twin 11 mth olds, and driving around the bay with my sunroof open listening to sweet honey in the rock, and listening to people who are so smart and perceptive.
last night i had dinner with three up and coming writers, such a glimpse at a specific world, those who will be known from pictures on the back of major works of literature. daniel, adam and victoria recalled hilarious moments of bad writing on the parts of others, and wrote a comedic script of short novellas with their tongues and teeth right before my eyes. such a special moment for me, humbled by such company.
and then dinner tonight with hobbes, dj/organizer/consultant extraordinaire and one of the most influential beloved people i know. we talked about old times, when both of us were young harm reduction training directors in ny and oakland. that’s how we met, and we’ve both grown a lot and are so happy in our current work. no one could have told us then what now would look like. that gives me hope for a couple years from now – the love i’ll have, the work i’ll do.
now my eyes are blurring and i have a yert to get into bed in! and then 4am tomorrow? rollin with myself to the city of angels. hallelujah, hallelu.