write a palinode. And what’s that? It’s a poem in which the poet retracts a statement made in an earlier poem.
counter lesson on currency
queen aya taught you
‘when we came here,
we left behind
systems of getting
without doing’
which is not precise
but you cannot pinpoint
those who forsake memory
and live only in afterglow
the first currency of this planet was favor,
the first value love
the founding queens
played creation games
with each other
everything you see now
results from their vigorous
winning and losing
the first planetians to find here
looked to aya’s glittery smile
after each dusty task
she only saw e—,
and did not notice us
she held seed bursting ideals,
and we held her,
myth and magic…
stories and misquotations
it was never enough to
simply exist, to revel in the
abundance of our miraculous lives
we had to also be marvelous
fantastic and fascinating
complex, kind and mysterious
stunning as the pallique sea
then she would feed you
the first ones to die here
were simply dull stardust
hard workers with no brilliance
they never caught her eye
they withered, reaching for her
she was ignorant
always shifting the center
always in motion
it shamed her to devastation
when she realized what was happening
when she knew that in spite of her pretty thinking
she was money dirty
that currency of attention,
so hard to trace
is why the queen wears the
moonshade veil
so that we understand the cost of immeasurable beauty
and are fair with praise
and always look for the light