Our prompt for today (optional, as always) is an old favorite – the erasure! This involves taking a pre-existing text and blacking out or erasing words, while leaving the placement of the remaining words intact.
dear e—
after everything,
don’t take me back.
the memories I lost
say we shouldn’t
every day I am thinking of constant of my life
the miracle of baya. us.
my system lights up
kinder, my flesh more pleasurable
another chance.
you would give memories
give us a chance
told that we loved each other,
we’d only know joy
give baya
Or maybe we forward
You with half
me with our future
take time
from the heart.
I beg you
consider me, anew, again
Dear E—
I understand if, after everything, you don’t want to take me back. Perhaps the memories I lost were the ones which say we shouldn’t be together. But I can’t pretend every day that I am not thinking of you the constant of my life. It isn’t only the miracle of baya between us. It is the way my system lights up in your presence. I feel kinder, smarter, better, my flesh more pleasurable. I want another chance.
I thought if you would give up your memories that might give us a real chance. If we both gave them up again, and we’re told only that we loved each other, I think we’d only know joy for the rest of our days. Perhaps give baya a sibling to devote their loyalty to…
Or maybe we move forward in this way? You with half our lives, me with only our future?
I write this so you can take your time to respond, respond from the heart. I beg you to consider me, anew, again.
Still yours,
Queen Aya