so…princeton’s new african american studies department partnered with the octavia butler legacy network to offer up ferguson is the future, a black to the future sci fi love fest extravaganza that took place over the last three days.
there’s a live stream archive, and i live tweeted and instagrammed everything, so i’m not going to cover all of that.
i’m going to instead share the feelings i was left with.
– we make the beautiful moments, we bring the magic with our presence and attention.
– there are many ways to build family, and none of them are fast.
– when the opportunity comes to support other artists, take it. this includes buying things, but also really listening or contemplating the art, dancing to the music, reading the book, seeing the whole.
– be present. when you are actually present you can shape the moment. you can shape by speaking truth, slowing down, letting someone know you appreciate them, suggesting what you most long for, and other small/massive actions.
– children can create the best moments. the 11-year-old and the newborn at the gathering gave me some of my favorite moments of playfulness, sweetness and equality.
– living into your gifts doesn’t take away your humanity. meeting all these sci-fi deities was so humbling. i was daunted at the task of facilitating them, and then i got there, and each one of them was kind, visionary, figuring out life, and just…just wonderful. i miss them all, i want to time travel back to their laughter.
– to love others in this world is to see in them the same humanity and flaw-possibility that i see in myself. it’s liberating.
– we cannot change others, but we can change ourselves and in doing so change everything. complexity.
– mentoring can happen in a moment.
– transformation can happen by witnessing someone else in their wholeness.
– being deep in my life’s work makes me feel beautiful.
– walidah imarisha is a powerful human being who has changed my life and i’m so grateful for her and for Octavia’s Brood.
– i love sci fi, i love black and brown people creating our freedom with zero apologies.
now, finally, sleep.