we made it y’all! 20 years of transformation and love and learning by living into it all together, experimenting for liberation.
we are the seeds of future freedoms, future value systems, future mythologies. this weekend we have been wild dandelion seeds filling the air, searching again for places to root, land and become multitudes. we do not long to be cut flowers, beautiful and temporary. we long to be rooted plants that move with the cycle of life.
we have found paths here, in workshops, in this auditorium, in healing circles and spaces, in kid spaces, self-organized spaces, and all over the dance floor.
at 20 years we can feel ourselves pressing at the seams of this container, on the edge of our next growth spurt. it is time to plant the seeds of our next twenty years.
and, inspired by our musical guest video 7, what if we knew we couldn’t be held down? what if we planted that way – as if we are inevitable? how do we cast spells together that way?
let’s learn, let’s practice. let’s cast a spell for the next twenty years, from now through 2038.
how old are you?
what is the world like?
what is this community centered around?
what climate shifts have happened – are we at war? at peace?
is the amc still in detroit?
is detroit still detroit?
what we will see in 20 years is what we shape. right now let’s shape the future, repeat after me.
we claim the power
of our outrageous grief
our righteous anger
our responsibility for our precious lives
our interconnected individual and collective joy
and our impossible magic
we embrace our edges
that they may teach us to grow
in right relationship to the living world
our human messiness
our weird and brilliant wonders
we know how to be
in so many incredible ways
with these gifts we can
foment a revolutionary now
that centers love, care, needs
creativity and magic
we plant the seeds of radical honesty
vulnerability, authenticity
and the kindness that eases inevitable change
we will not settle!
we will grow weirder and wilder
more interdependent
for our liberation
for our liberation
for our liberation!
closing invitation:
lila cabbil invites all of us as media makers to help us share the story of our water crisis in Detroit and Flint. help us through the blackout. visit affordablewaternow.org
going away present! robin at flaming idols made us candles! our candle blessing:
we are each other’s seeds
we are each other’s soil
we are each other’s rain
we are each other’s light
the 20th annual allied media conference is complete!