it is my 15,811th night. what is it for you? this cycle is within so many others. it matters if we want it to. the miracles are constant.
of the things I can change, I wouldn’t change a thing.
I am steeped in love in every direction.
one nibbling tells the other cool teenagers on the phone they have to go watch fantasy and action movies with their auntie. another says I always look fantastic and smell right, and we discuss our novels – i suspect she will outpublish me. another says that the love of a thousand buddhas is but a tenth of their love for me. my parents say they are proud of who and how I am. my sisters tell me the truth. my friends give all they can, and receive all I can offer. my beloved is steadfast in a way that makes me tremble with joy.
I’m making the love of my self, my body, my circle, a habit.
I am learning to trust the universe even when I can barely grasp how complex it all is.
I am beginning to understand how what happens in our lives is both impersonal and deeply interior spiritual work. some things you can only learn by moving along your own distinct path, but everyone has the possibility of such learning.
my heart beat is a thousand ancestors clapping the rhythm for me, singing “don’t waste it, don’t hoard it, don’t wait, be here now, don’t rush, it’s a dance, it’s your life, there’s enough.”
beginner’s mind is the only one I have capacity for.
let’s keep being.