i’m trying to stay here
trying to keep one root in the dirt
spread wide listening
for an echo of the ones i loved
i’m trying to stay here on earth
which untethers me
with tragedy on tragedy
it’s so bleak these days
in spite of all the beauty
and i’m trying to find the sunlight
i’m trying to find the laughter
i’m looking for the sweet moments
i’m letting my soul get humble
i’m letting my vision surrender
to the edges of my people
because we are really so small and fragile
we are really in all the universe
so brief
and i am trying to feel forever
not as illusion or delusion
but as faith
i am focusing on the babies
the scale of their worries
their fortifications
i’m trying to keep them from wasting any time
defending their truths
and helping them love the time
of being an earthling who is carried
because it will shift
at some point i took on the weight
i am holding the world in the balance
of my prayers and my practices
i am guilty in my exhaustion
but i can’t move either
i can’t move either
my spells feel the shattering weight
of each headline
my memories pull me down
away from the shore
is it time to become the ocean
is it time to become the hurricane
the weapon made of earth’s frustration
can i become her warrior
i’m trying to find my place here
i think i’m a heart cell
i think i’m a portal
i think i’m a whisper for mercy
a seed
maybe a seed feels a lifetime
as it falls from the palm to the soil
i am part of a system
that is falling apart
and i keep thinking: this is the bottom
then falling
apart from the people who know
i can’t grow there
i can’t breathe with fences
i can’t flee my senses
i am trying to find solid ground
i am trying to stay here
i am trying to stay here on earth
which untethers me
unable to tell me apart
from the others
the ones who break my heart
the ones who break earth’s heart
i am trying to stay here
of earth
to be the small glimmer
to be the slender thread
singing songs of warning
to the ones i’ll never see
i am trying to stay here on earth
bare feet on the grass
the breath that carries forth the past
the dream that remembers what’s coming
i am the lost child
i am the grandmother humming
i am rooting myself in the earth
i am finding myself made of dirt
i am breathing the fire of time
i am breathing again
i am breathing again
i am fine