my mother loves me
my mother shows me
i am meant to be loved whole
my mother loves the wild world
through my heart
others call on her gift
and she gifts her calling
what the world wants to bury in me
my mother unearths
she celebrates every cell
holds her heart for every song
her voice gathers me into this world
my sister mothers love me
when the world shudders
they get solid as a wall
around my girlchild self
my goddess mamas love me
whisper to each other
pointing towards the path
with the deepest breath on it
i know of so many mother ghosts
my prayers seek their palms
my tongue chants their
original names
i know so many dream mothers
children running through
the garden within them
eyes so familiar
and i know so many hurt children
whose mothers could not find
that sourced love within
that healing well
the lineage of miracles
promises no particular capacity
mother is a choice
a emergent commitment
mother means saying yes
as your children become
something that could never
return to you
and will never leave
even my womb
holds a mother wound
life tried to come through me
the no right behind the yes
on that day
and so many others
shameless and new
i called my mother
just yesterday
learning of a fresh grief
and grateful i still could
i called my mother
– for jane brown