full moon spell / for getting through the night


i do not consent to these horrors

done to them    done to us


i will not be silent


i will not accept death

from any hands but god’s


i will not forget


i am becoming ungovernable

i am learning to stay awake


i am carving terrain from chaos


i will not shirk my responsibility

i carry a light that can never be put out


i pass it to you


even the full moon borrows this fire

daily brighter with my rage



i grant permission to all benevolent healers – pray my name


i’m learning to sustain a righteous scream


i dance in the cycle of light and shadow

i live as if i am dying


i know now is precious


i am becoming accountable

i am learning to rest


i am returning to the earth


i will carry five pounds of the future

water, oxygen, light, witness


i know i need you


i wake up weaving a wordless spell

for life   for us   for breath