St Louis Racial Equity Summit Keynote (notes): We are imagining a world we have never seen before. Writing it into existence with words and with actions. We who live in […]
Tag: grace lee boggs
Additional Resources for Facing Coronavirus/Covid19
ah loves, turns out it’s not easy to take a sabbatical during a global apocalyptic event. in my attempt to stay away from news, work, stress, and distraction, i found […]
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build as we fight: remarks from the 2019 American Studies Association Annual Meeting
my friend and comrade Scott Kurashige is the president of the American Studies Association, and this year he very kindly invited me to be the artist-in-residence, which meant that I […]
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lessons from a lunar eclipse
(i am a cheap expert on the stars – at some point i stopped buying gossip magazines and put my attention on stars that felt more authentic and reliable, more […]
choose your own adventure: an affirmation
i learn experientially. i often feel slow, behind the clarity, behind the certainty that others have. my questions focus on things i feel, things happening under the surface. sometimes that’s […]
missing grace: year 2
Thursday, October 5: my friend Rye Young wrote a lovely, honest post this morning on working towards liberation, even if we won’t see it in our lifetimes. it sparked thoughts […]
Marcia Lee asked this question on Facebook and i really loved the questions that came out. i asked her if we could share the questions further, and she responded not […]
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now we can
I remember one time I was talking about how capitalism was failing and classmate-friend-teacher-organizer Mia Herndon said “capitalism is working exactly as it is meant to. in competition and constant […]
a range of reflections on resilience
resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties things i did today to recover 1. i reminded myself of something i’ve learned in life which helps me focus: things are […]
critical connections
last night i was hosted at Exit the Apple for a very sweet community potluck in Baltimore. the potluck brought together people who have been doing beautiful justice work around […]