first, a variety of random lessons from 2010:
– i can will myself into ecstatic joy
– it’s better to keep q-tips near the toilet
– i can bake bread
– i can make cheese
– i really do prefer facilitating to having a full-time job
– i have limits in terms of how much work i can do, and how of myself i can give to others…the limits expand when i give myself time to create.
– it’s also good to keep toilet paper right by the toilet – like within arm’s reach.
– i love swimming enough that i can do it every day and never grow tired of it
– meditation vastly improves my life. the more i do, the more i can be.
– i have to love myself first and foremost. not the idea of a self i could be, but my actual self.
– my instincts are almost always right. this doesn’t mean anyone is ready to hear what i feel – nor does it mean i can adequately articulate what i feel – but what i feel is almost always accurate in the long run.
– i still miss my dog, though she’d been dead 5 years now.
– i revel in being a physical introvert. it’s so much truer to who i am than anything else.
– butter makes everything taste better, and if you put the right amount of butter in a dish then people will say you can cook.
– technology’s benefits still outweigh the costs
– i know nothing.
potential mottos or principles for 2011:
– do or do not, there is no try…(yoda)
– we know nothing…how exciting 🙂
– we can experiment, endlessly
– when it gets hard, lean in
– this may be our last year. ever. what you gonna do?
– lose control 🙂
– don’t talk about it, be.
– be a dandelion, be a mushroom, be your best you
in other news…my love is wall, smash into me!