i’ve been accumulating practices – actions I do intentionally, to increase my mindfulness. I recently learned that the Arabic word for human has the same root as ‘to forget’, so […]
Year: 2012
33 selections from my jesus year (my birthday zine!)
i was taught at a young age to go in on birthdays. my parents created our own little birthday rituals which were all about anticipation and thoughtfulness and getting to […]
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in the big vast ocean/where the miracles begin
when in doubt, scrub the mildew from the shower wall, separate everything you own and rearrange it, open and close your fists, stare at the ceiling fan, sweep again – […]
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happy style
for some time now i have been building up my fashion way. i’ve named it happy style because it makes me happy, and it makes children happy, and often makes […]
to paraphrase yet another thing that octavia butler said, in one of my favorite essays of hers: ‘talent is not enough, you must have persistence.’ i feel like i am […]
whole up
just finished day 5 of a 7-day retreat focused on wholeness – whole people and whole communities. my mind is flowing like this: I believe in the transformative and healing […]
gifting my attention
‘what we give our attention to grows’ * for a few years now I have had a practice of not seeking out the news, gossip or negativity. I see what […]
I can’t not write! whispering to you :-)
my blog seems to be working for some people now and not others. hmmm. the sweet folks at radical designs are on it, so hopefully I will be fully un-bad […]
(soundtrack, pink matter, frank ocean and andre 3000: I’m good at being bad bad at being good… and if model girls are made for modeling thick girls are made for […]
sabbatical your life (workshop report back from AMC2012)
i have recently returned from a 6-month community-supported sabbatical. i am feeling healthier and happier now than i have ever felt in my adult life. i say that as someone […]
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