it is not enough to whisper our discontent to write to each other with gaping mouths we are not observers we are no audience at stake is our freedom it […]
working families mass call jan 23, notes
below are my notes from the jan 23 working families party mass call: beloveds i am recovering from norovirus (like an ayahuasca or ayurvedic purge without the magic) and its […]
it is our turn to carry the world
a community safety ritual: write down or bring to mind the names of those you commit to protecting, specific names, and targeted groups of people. it can be a long […]
unfinished (draft)
it took me all day to get here crackling light coursing through each place that knows death’s name pounding into my solar plexus before reaching my eyes so present i […]
full moon spell / for getting through the night
i do not consent to these horrors done to them done to us i will not be silent i will not accept death from any hands […]
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are we ready?
the whole earth breaks on the shores of gaza there are no predictions only the spectrum of conditions spanning death to life always a choice but not everyone’s those […]
this is your apocalypse
drink more water take all your pills there’s death in every direction don’t call it closer don’t ignore it don’t set it on the counter and forget look at your […]
it must be possible it must be us we are the only ones still here
the ancestors singing down storms say they pushing tectonic plates in the world unseen i know we are all tired breathe in, bare down an ash dusted butterfly, […]
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drafts, july 12
1. for god(dess) (tresses galactic) so loved the world (herself, the universe, even the underbelly of the lowest snailfish) that (s)he gave his (her) only (we are all made in […]
toshi, she gather me (artists talking)
context from amb: i have been trying to keep the presidential election at bay because it’s embarrassing and stressful, and i am a post nationalist, which means i think this […]